Free Rapidshare Accounts: Password and Username?

Don't be easily fooled by this kind of talk. Do you really think you'll get free rapidshare accounts, or free username and password without cost? Okay, granting then for the sake of argument that it's possible after all we live in a world where making the dead alive again seems to be the only impossible thing that humanity can do, getting free rapidshare password and or username is definitely not totally free.There's an invisble price you have to pay, that is signing up for something in exchange of the free rapishare account/username/password, or there's a free malware, virus, and spyware accompanying the free file containing the rapidshare password and account details you are downloading. Using other people's passwords and account is illegal and everything illegals comes with a price. So my two cents, be extra careful and if possible don't search for free rapidshare password and or username or free rapidshare accounts at all. You risk yourself.


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